
[연구논문][미국] The Evolution of ABA Standards for Clinical Faculty

by 운영진 posted Aug 29, 2017


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제목: The Evolution of ABA Standards for Clinical Faculty 

저자: Peter A. Joy & Robert R. Kuehn

출처: Tennessee Law Review, Vol. 75:183 (2008)


I. Introduction

II. A Brief History of The Development of Clinical Legal Education

  1. ABA’s Early Role in Legal Education
  2. Academic Support for Clinical Legal Education From the 1930s-1950s
  3. Expansion of Clinical Legal Education in the 1960s
  4. The Debate Over the Value of Clinical Legal Education and the Status of Clinical Faculty

III. Adoption of the Initial Accreditation Standard 405(E)

  1. Reports on Legal Education Favored Improved Status of Clinical Faculty
  2. The ABA’s First Standard on the Status of Clinical Faculty

IV. Events Leading to The Adoption of Standard 405(c) in 1996

  1. Studies on the Effects of the ‘Should’ Language
  2. ABA Changes ‘Should’ to ‘Shall’ in Standard 405(c)

V. The 2005 Changes to Standard 405(c) Interpretations

  1. The Association of Law Deans of America’s Resistance to Status for Clinical Faculty
  2. The 2005 Changes to the Clinical Status Interpretation 

VI. Aftermath of the 2005 Changes to the Interpretations

  1. The Challenges Before the U.S. Department of Education
  2. The Accreditation Committee’s New Approach to Clinical Faculty: Short-Term Contracts and No Meaningful Participation in Faculty Governance 
  3. The ABA Accreditation Task Force’s Statement on Eliminating ‘Security of Position’ from the Standards

VII. Conclusion



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