
[연구논문][미국] Downsizing Higher Education and Derailing Student Educational Objectives: When Should Student Claims for Program Closures Succeed?

by 운영진 posted Aug 23, 2017


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제목: Downsizing Higher Education and Derailing Student Educational Objectives: When Should Student Claims for Program Closures Succeed? 

저자: Hazel G. Beh

출처: 33 Ga. L. Rev. 155 (1998) (Georgia Law Review)


I. Introduction

II. The Ivory Tower’s Troubled Foundation

  1. Dismantling Education: Responding to Financial Crises in Education 
  2. School Closure Plans: Mitigating Student Harm

III. The Student-University Contract

  1. The Student-University Relationship
  2. The Student-University Contract and Closure of Degree Programs

IV. Other Potential Claimants: The Implied-in-Law Relationship Protects Broader Societal Interests

  1. The Community’s Loss
  2. Alumni and Donors
  3. BEUKAS: Accounting for Societal Interests

V. Can This College Be Saved? The Tendency To Deny Injunctive Relief

VI. Conclusion




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