[연구논문]중세유럽 대학의 자유

by 운영진 posted Oct 30, 2017


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주제: 중세유럽 대학의 자유

저자: 김유경

출처: 서양사론 제74권(한국서양사학회, 2002)



  Freedom of Medieval University: The Meaning and Problems of libertas scolastica The University was born in the high middle ages as a corporation of scholares, i.e. teachers and students. The word, university(universitas, with its equivalents in many European Languages) itself signifies the corporate character of this scholarly organization. The rapid social and economic growth in many parts of medieval Europe conditioned a revival of learning and the establishment of schools. The scholars from all over the Christian Would organized themselves to the universitas. This institutions had to wage a continuous struggle for their freedom and privileges. The freedom of medieval university, libertas scolastica was the result of this battle against the communal, church and secular authorities. The essence of libertas scolastica lies in the corporate organization of medieval university. As many other kinds of guild it enjoyed privileges of accepting the new members, self-regulation for its trade and so on. However the freedom of university as that of corporate guild was in basic points limited. The trade of knowledge and learning could not ensure the sufficient economic basis for the organization, especially for the faculty members. In the late middle ages a number of universities was newly founded by secular and church authorities. The old universities became also dependent upon the provision of authorities. Here began the `taming of universities` and the waning of libertas scolastica.




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